Strolling down the hill across the road from my house, looking for materials to fix my bike. At my feet I found a screw next to my feet I reached out to pick it up but then it started to disappear in my hand, I could feel it shrinking. I freaked out like I was scared of something I said to myself, with shaking hands “I hope I’m dreaming I hope I’m dreaming.” I opened my eyes widely I could still feel the screw in my hand fading away “I can’t believe this is happening.” I ran inside to pack my bags, I could feel something with me, I grabbed my bags and drove off with my bike.
The day after that I was worried that it would happen again I said to myself “Be a strong man and don't think about it.” I slept in a hotel in the middle of the night I woke up my pillow was not soft so I took off the cover and threw it into the corner and it disappeared. I shouted “AHHHHHHH IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN” “I might be having another dream.” I thought. I woke up but my pillowcase was was nowhere to be found I closed my eyes for 5 minutes and it was still missing I said to myself “dang it didn’t work.” So then I ran downstairs as fast I could. The houses around me started to disappear the people were screaming in terror. I shouted “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING.”
All of sudden the people started to disappear. There hands were see through they had no head and no body. I screamed liked I’ve never screamed before running for my life “I wish this had never happened.” I wish this never had happen.