
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

E te mauri mai tāwhiti
To the souls which ascend from afar

E te whare, te papa, te kainga noho tēnā koutou
The community house/classroom/ancestral house, people of the community, greetings

Ki ngā anahera, kua rere hei taki, hei tuara mo te hunga ora, haere
To our dearly departed, who continue to provide us with direction, we acknowledge you

Ki a tātou, he mihi nui
To the living, greetings

Ko Maungarei te maunga
To the great mountain Maungarei, the ancestral mountain

Ko Te Wai o Taiki te awa
To the flowing river Te Wai o Taiki, the ancestral waters

Ko Ukutoia te papa
To the land in which I stand Ukutoia, the area in which we dwell

Tēnā koutou
Greetings to you all

Ko _Tevita____ tōku pāpā, nō _Tonga_______ ia
Tevita_____ is my father, he is from Tonga_______

Ko Moka tōku māmā, nō _Tonga_____ia
_Moka____ is my father, she is from __Tonga_____

Ko __Tevita__ ______ tōku ingoa
My name is ____Tevita_ _______

Ko __Glen Innes____ tōku kainga noho
I live in __Glen Innes_______

Tekau mā _2___ ōku tau
I am _12____ years old

Nōreira, e ngā manuhiri tuārangi, ngā tauira, kaiako, kaumātua, he mihi nui, he mihi aroha
So therefore, to our distinguished guests, students, teachers, elders, a warm and heartfelt greeting

Anei he kōrero a te kura, “Whaiā kia eke”
Here is our school’s motto, to illustrate our intentions, to strive to succeed

Nōreira tēnā koutou katoa
So therefore, greetings one and all

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tevita,

    Your Mihi shares a lot of information about you with the group you are speaking to so thankyou, also thankyou for including a translation to make it accessable to everyone. You might want to go back and check some of your translation though because from memory māmā doesnt mean father again :P.

    Also have a look at removing the _____ around the translation to help the reading flow together.

    Kepp it up, Mr. Hutchings.


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